Quick Skate’n’ Chat with Chris Lewis

We stopped at Bellingham’s Skate park for a quick shralping and met local shreader, Chris Lewis.

We chatted him up and asked a few life questions. Check out what he said:

Chris Lewis, born and raised in Bellingham, WA.

Age: 20

Years skating: 10

Rides for: Unknown shop in Bellingham

Current board size: 8.5

Why and when did you first start skating?

I picked it up when I was living in Alaska. Rather then football, baseball or basketball, I wanted to do my own thing and just do something different then everyone else. So I picked up skating in fourth grade. From then on I loved skating and wanted to continue to better myself.

What was it like when you first started skating?

Uhh I ate it. I got lots of road rashes, hurt my knees, scraped my elbows and killed my back. It wasn’t fun. I just continued on with it though and that’s how I progressed.

Through all your injuries why did you keep skating?

Because Its fun and I wanted to get better. There’s no other feeling like it.

What are you doing today?

I’m going to school at Bellingham tech. college to major in auto technology. Right now I have a job up in Billings as an evening custodian. In my free time I just skate and try an go up to the mountain to snowboard.

Oh what, you snowboard to0? That’s sick.. How long have you been riding?

This is my second year. I rode when I was little but hated it, cause I’d always get a face full of snow. So I quite and just focused on skating.

Why did you decide to get back into it?

 Well I was raised in the snow. I lived in Alaska for eight years and just figured I should try to get better at it.

If you could explain what skating and snowboarding are about in one word what would you say?

Freedom. Yeah it’s all about freedom, you just have to one up yourself, you don’t have a team to rely on it’s just you. It’s a great challenge. It’s about having fun and being free. There’s no rules, it’s your own style. Yeah thats all I have to say.

Thanks Chris for being a rad cat to skate with and chatt’n it up with us! If you get a chance check out the Unkown skate shop in bellingham and support the local cats ripping up the streets!

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